“You hear the one about the Practitioners? Got little servants — made of bandages, walkin’ about by their lonesome. Harmless. Try and catch one, though, and their masters’ will get your guts for garters faster than you can say “Draw”…”
Archive for Character Art
“Sit on down, grab yourself a drink — let me tell you a story of fools, monsters, and six-shooters…” “Tales tell of a lonesome man, way out in the desert sands, who chimes in a cold night’s winds. A wide-brimmed[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
All of my art pieces and descriptions from Inktober 2017. Started off as an Improvised Superhero / Supervillain theme, then diverted later on to more broad ideas.
Original characters made for various Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition campaigns. Drawn 2016 – 2018, so you can see the changes in art style over the years fairly clearly.
Traditional drawings of Darkest Dungeon characters. The Leper and the Abomination are both from Darkest Dungeon, the Machine is an original creation based on the same style. Drawn in 2018. The Machine A necromantic vessel of both flesh and steel[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
A compilation of character art for original characters based on the style and setting of Darkest Dungeon. Drawn in 2016.